Saturday, 13 September 2008

Or trails, above S

This is a firefighter road, on the other side it's one big slope to the sea across acres of mansions, appartements etc... On this side, it's just bushes and a stream at the bottom. There's more than 50 years of developpement divide.

This is how you get up to the trail, a mud an' rocks "piste" thats has some serious gradients. The sight is worth it.

This is in the middle of nowhere. I need a GPS to show you the spot.

All the pictures of this post, and the one before, where done with my SONY mobile phone. I could not be arsed to carry my camera around. Part of the enjoyment of going around with the least amount of belongings possible.

Thursday, 11 September 2008

Why cycle?

I often get that question, no easy answer, but these images might:

This on a fire track, you can see one moutain range far inland on one side, and across 40 or 60 km to the sea on the other. You are alone, the beauty of all this is far beyond pictures or words, you just look around, listen to the wind, feel the sun and have a big arsed smile on your face that just won't go away. It just looks too good.

This is the sea side... You can see ALL the Maures moutain range. And not hear a man made noise. Appart from your own. You cannot come here on a car, and anyhow it would ruin the experience, too fast, too low, too hot, to much odor.

A firefighter died a bit farther down this track protecting all this. I had a quiet moment when passing his memorial.

Thursday, 4 September 2008

Yeah, so I put more water - trees next week!

Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Water? More water? A friend noticed that when I let my brain free, I tend to include à lot of water... I never noticed. Check out the rest of the blog, nearly all the pictures have water in one form or the other.
Maybe i'll put less now that I've taken notice.